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  1. Wenwen Zheng, Bin Yuan, Marco A. Villena, Kaichen Zhu, Sebastian Pazos, Yaqing Shen, Yue Yuan, Yue Ping, Chen Liu, Xiaowen Zhang, Xixiang Zhang, Mario Lanza, "The origin and mitigation of defects induced by metal evaporation in 2D materials," Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, 160, 100831 (2024).

  2. Marco A. Villena, Onurcan Kaya, Udo Schwingenschlögl, Stephan Roche, Mario Lanza, "Density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulations for resistive switching research," Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, 160, 100825 (2024).

  3. O. Kaya, L. Colombo, A. Antidormi, M. A. Villena, M. Lanza, I. Cole, S. Roche, "Impact of hydrogenation on the stability and mechanical properties of amorphous boron nitride," Journal of Physics: Materials, 7(2), 025010 (2024).

  4. Sebastian Pazos, Thales Becker, Marco A. Villena, Wenwen Zheng, Yaqing Shen, Yue Yuan, Osamah Alharbi, Kaichen Zhu, Juan Bautista Roldán, Gilson Wirth, Felix Palumbo, Mario Lanza, "High-Temporal-Resolution Characterization Reveals Outstanding Random Telegraph Noise and the Origin of Dielectric Breakdown in h-BN Memristors," Advanced Functional Materials 34(15), 2213816 (2024).

  5. Fernando Aguirre, Abu Sebastian, Manuel Le Gallo, Wenhao Song, Tong Wang, J Joshua Yang, Wei Lu, Meng-Fan Chang, Daniele Ielmini, Yuchao Yang, Adnan Mehonic, Anthony Kenyon, Marco A. Villena, Juan B Roldán, Yuting Wu, Hung-Hsi Hsu, Nagarajan Raghavan, Jordi Suñé, Enrique Miranda, Ahmed Eltawil, Gianluca Setti, Kamilya Smagulova, Khaled N Salama, Olga Krestinskaya, Xiaobing Yan, Kah-Wee Ang, Samarth Jain, Sifan Li, Osamah Alharbi, Sebastian Pazos, Mario Lanza, "Hardware implementation of memristor-based artificial neural networks," Nature Communications, 15 (1),  1974 (2024).

  6. Kaichen Zhu, Sebastian Pazos, Fernando Aguirre, Yaqing Shen, Yue Yuan, Wenwen Zheng, Osamah Alharbi, Marco A. Villena, Bin Fang, Xinyi Li, Alessandro Milozzi, Matteo Farronato, Miguel Muñoz-Rojo, Tao Wang, Ren Li, Hossein Fariborzi, Juan B. Roldan, Guenther Benstetter, Xixiang Zhang, Husam Alshareef, Tibor Grasser, Huaqiang Wu, Daniele Ielmini, Mario Lanza, “Hybrid 2D/CMOS microchips for memristive applications,” Nature, 618(7963), 57-62 (2023).

  7. Sebastian Pazos, Thales Becker, Marco Antonio Villena, Wenwen Zheng, Yaqing Shen, Yue Yuan, Osamah Alharbi, Kaichen Zhu, Juan Bautista Roldán, Gilson Wirth, Felix Palumbo, Mario Lanza, "High-temporal-resolution characterization reveals outstanding random telegraph noise and the origin of dielectric breakdown in h-BN memristors," Advanced Functional Materials, 2213816 (2023).

  8. Juan B. Roldán, E. Miranda, D. Maldonado, A. N. Mikhaylov, N. V. Agudov, A. A. Dubkov, M. N. Koryazhkina, M. B. González, M. A. Villena, S. Poblador, M. Saludes-Tapia, R. Picos, F. Jiménez-Molinos, S. G. Stavrinides, E. Salvador, F. J. Alonso, F. Campabadal, B. Spagnolo, M. Lanza, L. O. Chua, "Variability in Resistive Memories," Advanced Intelligent Systems, 22003388 (2022).

  9. Mario Lanza, Rainer Waser, Daniele Ielmini, J Joshua Yang, Ludovic Goux, Jordi Suñe, Anthony Joseph Kenyon, Adnan Mehonic, Sabina Spiga, Vikas Rana, Stefan Wiefels, Stephan Menzel, Ilia Valov, Marco A Villena, Enrique Miranda, Xu Jing, Francesca Campabadal, Mireia B Gonzalez, Fernando Aguirre, Felix Palumbo, Kaichen Zhu, Juan Bautista Roldan, Francesco Maria Puglisi, Luca Larcher, Tuo-Hung Hou, Themis Prodromakis, Yuchao Yang, Peng Huang, Tianqing Wan, Yang Chai, Kin Leong Pey, Nagarajan Raghavan, Salvador Dueñas, Tao Wang, Qiangfei Xia, Sebastian Pazos, "Standards for the characterization of endurance in resistive switching devices," ACS nano 15, 17214 – 17231 (2021).

  10. M. Pešić, B. Beltrando, A. Padovani, S. Gangopadhyay, M. Kaliappan, M. Haverty, M. A. Villena, E. Piccinini, M. Bertocchi, T. Chiang, L. Larcher, J. Strand, A. L. Shluger, "Variability sources and reliability of 3D—FeFETs," in 2021 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) (pp. 1-7). IEEE (2021).

  11. Bin Yuan, Xianhu Liang, Liubiao Zhong, Yuanyuan Shi, Felix Palumbo, Shaochuan Chen, Fei Hui, Xu Jing, Marco A. Villena, Lin Jiang, Mario Lanza, "150 nm × 200 nm Cross-Point Hexagonal Boron Nitride Based Memristors," Advanced Electronic Materials 6(12), 1900115 (2020).

  12. Peisong Liu, Huanhuan Yu, Fei Hui, Marco A Villena, Xiaohong Li, Mario Lanza, Zhijun Zhang, "Fabrication of 3D silica with outstanding organic molecule separation and self-cleaning performance," Applied Surface Science 511, 145537 (2020).

  13. J.B. Roldán, D. Maldonado, F. Jiménez-Molinos, C. Acal, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, A.M. Aguilera, F. Hui, J. Kong, Y. Shi, X. Jing, C. Wen, M.A. Villena, M. Lanza, "Reversible dielectric breakdown in h-BN stacks: a statistical study of the switching voltages," 2020 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS). IEEE, (2020).

  14. Marco A. Villena, Blanka Magyari-Köpe, Yoshio Nishi, Paul C. McIntyre, Mario Lanza, "Effect of IrO2 spatial distribution on the stability and charge distribution of Ti1-xIrxO2 alloys," Chemistry of Materials 31(21), 8742-8751 (2019).

  15. Shaochuan Chen, Seyedreza Noori, Marco A. Villena, Yuanyuan Shi, Tingting Han, Ying Zuo, MariaPia Pedeferri, Dmitri Strukov, Mario Lanza, Maria Vittoria Diamanti, "Memristive Electronic Synapses Made by Anodic Oxidation,"  Chemistry of Materials 31(20), 8394-8401 (2019).

  16. Kaichen Zhu, Xianhu Liang, Bin Yuan, Marco A. Villena, Chao Wen, Tao Wang, Shaochuan Chen, Fei Hui, Yuanyuan Shi, Mario Lanza, “Tristate graphene-boron nitride-graphene cross-point memristors,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 37999-38005 (2019).

  17. Marco A. Villena, Fei Hui, Xianhu Liang, Yuanyuan Shi, Bin Yuan, Xu Jing, Kaichen Zhu, Shaochuan Chen, Mario Lanza, “Variability of metal/h-BN/metal memristors grown via chemical vapor deposition on different materials,” Microelectronics Reliability, 102, 113410 (2019).

  18. Kaichen Zhu, Xianhu Liang, Bin Yuan, Marco A. Villena, Chao Wen, Tao Wang, Shaochuan Chen, Fei Hui, Yuanyuan Shi, Mario Lanza, "Graphene–Boron Nitride–Graphene Cross-Point Memristors with Three Stable Resistive States," ACS applied materials & interfaces 11(41), 37999-38005 (2019).

  19. Bin Yuan, Xianhu Liang, Liubiao Zhong, Yuanyuan Shi, Felix Palumbo, Shaochuan Chen, Fei Hui, Xu Jing, Marco A. Villena, Lin Jiang, Mario Lanza, "150 nm× 200 nm cross point hexagonal boron nitride based memristors with ultra-low currents in high resistive state," In 2019 Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (EDTM) (pp. 258-260). IEEE (2020).

  20. Mario Lanza, H.-S. Philip Wong, Eric Pop, Daniele Ielmini, Dimitri Strukov, Brian C. Regan, Luca Larcher, Marco A. Villena, Jianghua J. Yang, Ludovic Goux, Attilio Belmonte, Yuchao Yang, Francesco M. Puglisi, Jinfeng Kang, Blanka Magyari-Köpe, Eilam Yalon, Anthony Kenyon, Mark Buckwell, Adnan Mehonic, Alexander Shluger, Haitong Li, Tuo-Hung Hou, Boris Hudec, Deji Akinwande, Ruijing Ge, Stefano Ambrogio, Juan B. Roldan, Enrique Miranda, Jordi Suñe, Kin Leong Pey, Xing Wu, Nagarajan Raghavan, Ernest Wu, Wei D. Lu, Gabriele Navarro, Weidong Zhang, Huaqiang Wu, Runwei Li, Alexander Holleitner, Ursula Wurstbauer, Max Lemme, Ming Liu, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Hangbing Lv, Andrea Padovani, Paolo Pavan, Ilia Valov, Xu Jing, Tingting Han, Kaichen Zhu, Shaochuan Chen, Fei Hui, Yuanyuan Shi, "Recommended methods to study resistive switching devices," Advanced Electronic Materials, 1800143 (2018).

  21. Fei Hui, Xianhu Liang, Wenjing Fang, Wei Sun Leong, Haozhe Wang, Hui Ying Yang, Yuanyuan Shi, Marco A. Villena, Jing Kong, and Mario Lanza, "Uniformity of Multilayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride Dielectric Stacks Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition on Platinum and Copper Substrates," In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA) (pp. 1-4). IEEE (2018).

  22. Fei Hui, Marco Villena, Wenjing Fang, Ang-Yu Lu, Jing Kong, Yuanyuan Shi, Xu Jing, Kaichen Zhu, Mario Lanza, "Synthesis of large-area multilayer hexagonal boron nitride sheets on iron substrates and its use in resistive switching devices," 2D materials, 5(3), 031011 (2018).

  23. Bingru Wang, Na Xiao, Chengbin Pan, Yuanyuan Shi, Fei Hui, Xu Jing, Kaichen Zhu, Biyu Guo, Marco A. Villena, Enrique Miranda, and Mario Lanza, "Experimental Observation and Mitigation of Dielectric Screening in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Based Resistive Switching Devices," Cryst. Res. Technol., 53, 1800006 (2018).

  24. Felix Palumbo, Xianhu Liang, Bin Yuan, Yuanyuan Shi, Fei Hui, Marco A. Villena, and Mario Lanza, "Bimodal Dielectric Breakdown in Electronic Devices Using Chemical Vapor Deposited Hexagonal Boron Nitride as Dielectric," Advanced Electronic Materials, 1700506 (2018).

  25. Fei Hui, Wenjing Fang, Wei Sun Leong, Tewa Kpulun, Haozhe Wang, Hui Ying Yang, Marco A. Villena, Gary Harris, Jing Kong, and Mario Lanza, "Electrical Homogeneity of Large-Area Chemical Vapor Deposited Multilayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride Sheets," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(46), 39895-39900 (2017).

  26. Lanlan Jiang, Yuanyuan Shi, Fei Hui, Kechao Tang, Qian Wu, Chengbin Pan, Xu Jing, Hasan Uppal, Felix Palumbo, Guangyuan Lu, Tianru Wu, Haomin Wang, Marco Villena, Xiaoming Xie, Paul McIntyre and Mario Lanza, "Dielectric Breakdown in Chemical Vapor Deposited Hexagonal Boron Nitride," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(45), 39758-39770 (2017).

  27. Marco A. Villena, Juan B. Roldán, Francisco Jiménez-Molinos, Enrique Miranda, Jordi Suñé and Mario Lanza, "SIM2RRAM: A physical model for RRAM devices simulation," Journal of Computational Electronics 16(4), 1095-1120 (2017).

  28. E. Miranda, J. Suñé, C. Pan, M. Villena, N. Xiao, and M. Lanza, "Equivalent Circuit Model for the Electron Transport in 2D Resistive Switching Material Systems,"  Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), 47th European (2017).

  29. M. Moner Al Chawa, Rodrigo Picos, Juan B. Roldan, Francisco Jimenez-Molinos, Marco Antonio Villena and Carol de Benito, “Exploring Resistive Switching based Memristors in the Charge-Flux Domain, a Modeling Approach,” International Journal of Circuit Theory & Applications 1097-007X (2017).

  30. Na Xiao, Marco A. Villena, Bin Yuan, Shaochuan Chen, Bingru Wang, Marek Eliáš, Yuanyuan Shi, Fei Hui, Xu Jing, Andrew Scheuermann, Kechao Tang, Paul C. McIntyre and Mario Lanza, “Resistive Random Access Memory Cells with a Bilayer TiO2/SiOx Insulating Stack for Simultaneous Filamentary and Distributed Resistive Switching,” Advanced Functional Material 1700384 (2017).

  31. Pan Chengbin, Enrique Miranda, Marco A. Villena, Na Xiao, Xu Jing, Xie Xiaoming, Fei Hui, Yuanyuan Shi and Mario Lanza, "Model for multi-filamentary conduction in graphene/hexagonal-boron-nitride/graphene based resistive switching devices using the nonlinear Landauer approach". 2D materials 4, 025099 (2017).

  32. Marco A. Villena, Juan B. Roldán, Pedro García-Fernández and Francisco Jiménez-Molinos, "Effects of the extension of conductive filaments, a simulation approach". Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 35, 01A105 (2017).

  33. M. A. Villena, J. B. Roldan, M.B. González, P. González-Rodelas, F. Jimenez-Molinos, F. Campabadal and D. Barrera, "A new parameter to characterize the charge transport regime in Ni/HfO2/Si-n+-based RRAMs". Solid-State Electronics, 118, 56-60 (2016).

  34. M. A. Villena, M. B. González, J. B. Roldan, F. Campabadal, F. Jimenez-Molinos, F. M. Gómez-Campos and J. Suñé, "An in-depth study of thermal effects in reset transitions in HfO2 based RRAMs". Solid-State Electronics, 111, 47-51 (2015).

  35. F. Jimenez-Molinos, M. A. Villena, J. B. Roldan and A. M. Roldan, "A SPICE Compact Model for Unipolar RRAM reset process analysis". Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 62(3), 955-962 (2015).

  36. M. A. Villena, M. B. González, F. Jimenez-Molinos, F. Campabadal, J. B. Roldan, J. Suñe, E. Romera and E. Miranda, "Simulation of thermal reset transitions in resistive switching memories including quantum effects". Journal of Applied Physics 115, 214504 (2014).

  37. M. A. Villena, J. B. Roldan, F. Jimenez-Molinos, J. Suñe, S. Long, E. Miranda and M. Liu, "A comprehensive analysis on progressive reset transitions in RRAMs". Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47, 205102 (2014).

  38. M. A. Villena, F. Jimenez-Molinos, J. B. Roldan, J. Suñe, S. Long, X. Lian, F. Gamiz and M. Liu, "An in-depth simulation study of thermal reset transitions in resistive switching memories". Journal of Applied Physics 114, 144505 (2013).

  1. B. Beltrando, M. A. Villena, A. Kumar, S. Gangopadhyay, D. Kamalanathan, E. Smith, N. Kazem, G. Saheli, S. Weeks, M. Haverty, M. Kaliappan, A. Padovani, S. Krishnan, J. Anthis, L. Larcher, M. Pešić, "Self-rectifying non-volatile tunneling synapse: multiscale modeling augmented development," In 2024 IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW) (pp. 1-4).

  2. Mario Lanza, Ying Zuo, Kaichen Zhu, Xu Jing, Biyu Guo, Tao Wang, Jonas Weber, Marco A. Villena, Guenther Benstetter, “Effect of probe station tips pressure in the characterization of memristors”, in IPFA 2019, International Symposium.

  3. Na Xiao, Marco A. Villena, Bin Yuan, Shaochuan Chen, Bingru Wang, Marek Eliáš, Yuanyuan Shi, Fei Hui, Xu Jing, Andrew Scheuerman, Kechao Tang, Paul C. McIntyre and Mario Lanza, “TiO2/SiOX bilayer insulating stacks for simultaneous filamentary and distributed resistive switching,” In IIRW 2017, International Workshop.

  4. Marco A. Villena, Juan B. Roldán and Francisco Jiménez-Molinos, “Threshold voltage of reset: A new parameter to electrical characterization of RRAM devices,” In China RRAM 2017, International Workshop.

  5. Z. He, Marco A. Villena, K. Zhu, S. Chen, B. Wang, X. Liang, B. Yuan and M. Lanza, “Au/Ti/TiO2/Au cross point resistive switching cells: experiment and simulation,” In China RRAM 2017, International Workshop.

  6. Na Xiao, Marco A. Villena, Yuanyuan Shi, Xu Jing, Fei Hui and Mario Lanza, “Combination of local and distributed resistive switching in ultra-thin (<2nm) TiO2 films,” In CDE 2017, 11th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices.

  7. M. A. Villena, J. B. Roldan, M. P. García-Fernández and F. Jimenez-Molinos, “Effects of the extension of conductive filaments within the electrodes in RRAMs, a simulation approach,” In Wodim 2016, 19th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics.

  8. G. González, F. Jimenez-Molinos, M. A. Villena and J. B. Roldan, “SPICE simulation of thermal reset transitions in Ni/HfO2/Si-n+ RRAMs including quantum effects,” In Wodim 2016, 19th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics.

  9. JR. Picos, J. B. Roldan, M. M. Al Chawa, F. Jimenez-Molinos, M. A. Villena and E. Garcia-Moreno, “Exploring ReRRAM-based memristors in the charge-flux domain, a modeling approach,” In IEEE Memristive Systems (MEMRISYS) 2015 International Conference, (pp. 1-2).

  10. M. A. Villena, J.B. Roldán, F. Jiménez-Molinos, E. Romera, P. Cartujo-Cassinello, “A comprehensive resistive memory characterization through the analysis of conductive filaments,” 15th edition of Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2014).

Journal Publications

- Stephen Hawking -

“Science is beautiful when it makes simple explanations of phenomena or connections between different observations. Examples include the double helix in biology and the fundamental equations of physics.”


Marco A. Villena, PhD. - Physics and simulation of electronic devices

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